WERK WERK WERK: Put em in the dirt.

This is my third draft today. I wanted to write a list of sassy girlboss quotes because I feel like I could take over the World today, but then I realised we all have Pinterest for that. So here’s an old post I hand wrote on the train to Plym a couple months ago, accompanied by a McDonald’s and sat next to a man reading his bible.

This January, I started a new job and with it, the realisation that I’m on countdown to being a full-time working gal for two whole years. The notion of this both makes me sound like a legit adult, whilst simultaneously want to run back under my duvet to hide and pretend that life doesn’t exist.

My legit full-time job count has hit a grand total of 3. A number that’s probably pretty scary for one of those frumpy careers advisors who tell you that a job is for life. Mine didn’t even understand the concept of working in fashion or that a ‘Fashion Buyer’ didn’t just mean I wanted to go shopping full time, so there’s that.

The rollercoaster of jobs have provided me with my fair share of tears and lols, so here’s a list of my ‘learns’ for all of you in this ‘not sure what I’m doing with my life’ shaped boat:

      1. You will believe you can take over the world on a daily / weekly basis.
        Know something your manager didn’t? Finish everything on that epic to-do list? Gurl, you’re killing it.Point 1
      2. You will cry.
        At your desk, in the toilets, to your boss in a meeting, maybe just a private tear shed at home. Work. Is. Tough.Crying
      3. Polite conversation rules:
        Monday – Tuesday: How was your weekend?
        Wednesday: Jesus, this week has felt long. / Weekend soon!
        Thursday – Friday: What are your plans this weekend?
        At all times: The temperature of the office.
      4. You will fantasise about throwing your keyboard at your bosses head. 
        Because your inner sass queen has to be unleashed some time, right?
        sass queen
      5. You will become ever more creative with your excuses for being late.
        I got sucked down the plughole when I was showering and had to climb my way out? That’s definitely why my hair still hasn’t dried.
      6. Free office snacks are THE ONE.
        Let alone blagging a free dinner – THE DREAM.
        free pizza
      7. You will have a work husband / wife.
        The Tina Fey to your Amy Poehler, you’re the comedy Kings and Queens of the office.
      8. You’ll find the best hiding places to text / watch tv / snapchat.
        Because nobody has time for 110% concentration all day. Unless a potential new employer is reading this… If so, please erase this point from your memory.
      9. At some point, there will be major work dramz.
        From people getting fired, to redundancy to your start-up not getting funding. You’ll never be prepared and it’ll probably happen when you’re on holiday.
      10. Meetings.
        You’ll flip between loving that they’re a waste of an hour to loathing not being at your desk and actually being productive.
        family guy work
      11. The pure joy of achieving something is beyond expectation.
        And it’ll sound like no biggie to anyone you tell. (If they’re good friends, they’ll still pretend to be interested / impressed that your tweet went viral, you made a snazzy spreadsheet or that you tidied your desk.)
      12. Endorsements on LinkedIn are somehow addictive.
        And are also my new favourite joke. Good at snacking? Endorse me on LinkedIn or it doesn’t count, bbz.
      13. You’ll fantasise about leaving, but the thought of applying for jobs is too much. 
      14. The salad days.
        No matter how ready you feel you were to move on, you’ll always look back on the lolz, your work family and the perks with a rose-tinted shade of fondness. And then reality hits when you remember all those times you wanted to shut your head in the photocopier out of sheer rage.

Peace out,




The Big Bad City

Oh hai there! SJW has gone stateside for a month of travelling, so for the next few weeks I’ll be posting about my adventures… Please try to restrain your jealousy.

Since I last posted my life has been a little bit hectic (hence why I haven’t posted), between interning, dissertation, travelling and (trying) to get prepared for Americaaaa. For a little round up, I went home home to Devon for a while, spent a week in Edinburgh with my Mum and Aunt, interned, went to my Cousin’s wedding, celebrated my friend’s 21st aaaand FINALLY FINISHED UNI!! The last stretch of dissertation felt so looong, with many days being spent in my pjs and surgically attached to my laptop. I have a ‘How to Survive Dissertation’ type post drafted out, which I’ll post once I’m back home. A week later I think it’s finally sunk in that it’s all done and I couldn’t be happier that the stress is all over with; as Papa SJW has said, all that’s left now is to pray.

However, now I’m out in America and life could not feel jazzier. I flew out on Tuesday and my first stop is a week in New York. Doing a standard SJW, I left my packing a little too late… Sorry Mum! But dragging a suitcase nearly as big as me bright and early on the tube was definitely the start of the adventure. I somehow got the job of directing a couple of Romanian women who could barely speak English off the tube to find their train… As you can imagine there were some hilarious scenes of me pointing where to go and them just looking back at me with faces of total dismay. There was definitely a point when I genuinely got worried they would just follow me onto my train to Heathrow… Fingers crossed they made it! Also, big shout out here to the man at Paddington who carried my suitcase down the massive flight of stairs, you da best!


I somehow got to Heathrow really early, only to find out my flight was delayed by a few hours. BOOOO YOU BA. Also BOO YOU to both of the security people who told me that I look about 16 / asked if I needed my Mum to approve me being searched. Naaat cool.


After a journey that felt like the longest day of my life, I finally got to be reunited with that friend who moved to New York and all was well in the world.


The next day we went for brunch, then went on a cable car over to Roosevelt Island, where a woman cycled past me and made my day by telling me she loved my JuJu’s! After that we embarked on a journey to candy heaven; Dylan’s Candy Bar. As a girl who is caps lock KEEN for pick and mix, I had to restrain myself to not spend all my dollars on sweets.


We then went for a wander to Urban Outfitters, Bloomingdales and Grand Central. Obama obviously heard I was trotting the streets of New York and decided to drive by to say hi. (Yes, that really happened… Okay, he maybe didn’t say hi but we saw his car). #WelcomeToNewYork


Today is my second day of Americaaa adventures and I headed to MOMA, the museum of modern art, which even stretched my inner culture vulture as the place is so huge. After this I met my friend and as we were walking for lunch we got invited to be in a small audience for a TV interview. I think this makes me allowed to say I’m famous now? With Obama yesterday and TV appearances today, America clearly loves me. We then went for lunch and walked around Times Square. I can hear you’re all dying to know what I’ve been wearing for this big adventure so here’s a snap of my outfit today:


Jelly Shoes are JuJu’s (£25 from Office), which were a dissertation hand-in day treat, they’re actually so comfy and haven’t rubbed at all (I definitely have nightmares from being a child crying about my jelly shoes destroying my feet); T-shirt is from Reason Clothing; Jeans are New Look; Socks Primark; Shirt Jacket is a freshly purchased bargain which I am so proud of! Cost me $10 in the Urban Outfitters sale yesterday!

The plan for our trip after New York is to head over to the West Coast which I’m mega excited for!

Adios x


Five Days of Fashion

Oh haiii, here is (as promised) a post on fashion related things. I was going to do a week in pictures of my outfits but to be quite honest, I’m either living in pyjamas to do my dissertation (everyday is no make-up selfie day if you’re lucky enough to enjoy my snapchats) or I forget to take a picture (let’s get real, it’s mega awkward asking people to take pictures of your outfit). However, I have managed to pull together five pictures of outfits for your enjoyment / procrastination / lol-worthy material for today.


This is an outfit I’ve been loving lately, consists of a denim Topshop dress (£38, http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/clothing-427/denim-897/moto-dark-acid-tee-dress-2438792?bi=81&ps=20), floral bomber jacket from Zara (£12 in the Christmas Sale, bargain!) and with a big gold necklace. I bought the dress a while ago, telling myself it would be great when I go to America (my best excuse for shopping at the moment). I’m pretty sure denim will still be big this summer, I’ve just spotted a denim boiler suit which looks ace! Plus this floral jacket is great in spring to just throw on.


This was an official tomboy day, there was no lipstick and no heels involved! I’m really getting into t-shirts lately and this NASA one has been a favourite for a while (Tee and Cake, £28. Check out their range here http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/category/clothing-427/clothing-brands-1910272/tee-cake-996?noOfRefinements=1&cat1=203984&cat2=820009&cat3=820365 ). Worn with an oversized shirt I picked up in the Zara sale at Christmas, my loyal black skinnies and my dark purple Converse high tops. Topped off by my cross beanie, made by brand Alice Hannah but picked up in Topshop (http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/sale-offers-436/sale-799/accessories-809/gothic-cross-beanie-2440314?refinements=category~%5b398578%7c398526%5d&bi=21&ps=20, £7)


I’m trying to wear this jumper less because I’m slightly addicted to it! Apparently made in Los Angeles from Topshop, now in the sale at £12, RUN TO THE SHOPS. (http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/clothing-427/tops-443/hoodies-sweatshirts-2289292/check-tri-marl-sweat-2678046?refinements=category~%5b1373604%7c208524%5d&bi=21&ps=20). Worn with a light denim shirt, and my double side split skirt I picked up from H&M in the sale a while back. It’s so impractical it’s ridiculous. You literally can’t walk along without it getting all caught up so I have to look like a pleb constantly trying to pull it out from my legs. Attractive, right?


That friend who moved to New York for a year came back to visit last week. I guess it was alright to see him (ha, who am I kidding, I’ve missed that kid loads), but he bought me this t-shirt which he picked up at Reason Clothing which I love. He subsequently made me spill chocolate yoghurt on it (what a joker) but thanks to my A grade stain removal skillz, thankfully it came out. Nobody wants a dodgily grim brown stain on their top. If you haven’t tried Cadbury’s new Pots of Joy by the way, GO AND BUY THEM. They are literally incredible. (Fingers crossed Cadbury’s send me free ones for writing this).

Aaaand finally, my latest t-shirt which brings all the boys to the yard is this Topshop x Adidas Originals collection t-shirt. I’ve been waiting for this collection to come out for a while now, so when it came out last Thursday I visited a Topshop to see what it was all about (okay, official fashion nerd moment). It was all pretty cool but the shorts felt really naff and plasticy!? However, I liked all the tops and sweatshirts and I got this white t-shirt, which I wore out to The Nest, in Dalston, with leather shorts, heels and my metallic clutch from Dorothy Perkins. Metallics are looking like they’re set to be huge, particularly in accessories.


Really though this is what I’ve been wearing. Form a queue, boys.


Third year sucks.





Life in a Feminist Frock

Guess who’s back!? Sorry it’s been a while, it’s safe to say that the final year of university is truly a mountain to climb. I’ve hopefully already had my low point, and right now I’m feeling positive, just stressed and ridiculously busy. I can barely remember anything nor plan beyond the end of a week. I feel like I’ve been living in the library to get my dissertation done, just the other day I got chucked out by the security guard because I was the last person in there. Dedication, hey.

So what’s been going on, I can’t hear you ask? Besides dissertation, I’ve managed to get myself a great internship at the moment, in a Press and Marketing department of a vintage fashion brand, which I’m really enjoying and is a great experience! The thought of getting myself an actual job is however, a slightly more daunting task. I’m in that prime time of being asked what I want to do when I finish university, and no matter when you’re asked what your life-plans are, it’s quite possibly the worst thing to answer in life. Apart from perhaps if you get asked when the baby’s due when you’ve just over-indulged in a good meal. Anyway, I’d like to be able to say I’m going to leave university and start my own business and live happily in London. Unfortunately, I’m not rolling in the dollar. In reality, I hope to go into social media / marketing, perhaps in fashion, perhaps not. See where life takes me. I want to stay in London, but that’s dependant on earning a wage! I’m excited for the change, I’m hoping it’ll be a lot more rewarding than university was.

Don’t worry, it’s not the end of Slapdash! I want to earn some money, plan out where it’s heading and give it my all.

In other news, you might be aware that it was International Women’s Day recently. The more I think about it, the more I realise that I grew up with some sort of feminist influences on me. I’m not talking crazy feminist here, don’t get scared. I just believe in equal rights for women and am pretty independent. I guess it’s a result of some of the women in my family; my Grandma (and previous female generations before her) ran my family’s business and my Mum always told me to be an independent lady. I went to an all-girls grammar school for secondary school and I recently read a great article which summed up how this rids any gender gap in what you’re expected to be good at. (Read it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/24/19-signs-you-went-to-all-girls-school_n_3914785.html)
All-girls schools mean many things. There was definitely enough drama to turn Mean Girls into a TV series. Any young, male specimen that came within the school boundaries immediately became a God. Anything remotely to do with periods became okay to talk about, no shame. Quite frankly, I’m glad my ugly years were spent in an environment where men didn’t exist. It also means that you grow up with a mind-set that females can do whatever subjects they like. You want to be the president of the world? You go gurrrl. Dragging down those silly gendered stereotypes is something which I believe is really important these days. Not only for women but men too. Why should fashion be seen to be studied by women and engineering by men, for example!?

Feminism shouldn’t be seen as something which evokes images of women running around burning their bras. To me, it’s a really important value of equal rights, independence and choice. Freedom to fulfil the choice and paths you want to take. In the Western world, it shouldn’t still be so that women get paid, on average, less than men for the same role. People should be paid equally and have equal opportunities for promotion no matter their gender (or any other stereotype for that matter). Feminism isn’t about arguing over whether men should hold doors open for you or not.

I also believe that there should be more awareness of the treatment of women in other areas of the world. In so many cultures, women are mistreated and not given the right to simple things like education, solely because they are female. In another article I was reading, it brought up the violence against women. In so many cultures, violence against women, including rape, is seen as acceptable and this shouldn’t be so. Obviously no world will be perfect, but more awareness should be raised to educate and change the perception that women are inferior and that it’s okay to mistreat and violate them in such horrific ways. In particular, female genital mutilation is a subject which really irks me. It’s a horrendous practise with no known medical benefits and generally causes many complications. The thought that it happens to so many women actually disgusts me. Obviously it’s such a difficult subject as from the majority’s point of view, the issue with the practise arises from the physical force used to conduct it on children. However, within the culture, it’s seen as the norm and sadly women don’t have the independence to be able to step away from their circle and hence stop the practise of FGM.

International Women’s Day is about raising awareness of issues like these, just discussing them is important. Sorry about getting a bit deep for a blog post, but hey, equality is important, right!?

Next post is fashion related, I promise it won’t be such a long break!


Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy with a couple of exams, which finally came to an end on Tuesday! I’ve now completed half of my degree and only have my dissertation to write, which seems so crazy, but if I’m honest I’ve realised that the end of university couldn’t come soon enough for me, maybe I’ll do a separate post on my thoughts on that, but honestly I’m excited for the opportunity for change that graduation will bring.

Anyway, I wrote this blog post yesterday whilst sat on a bus for the third time, going back into Central London yet again. I feel like I spent most of my day sat on the top deck, moving at about 2 miles per hour through the streets of London. As I’m sure most of you are aware, yesterday was the first day of a 48 hour tube strike, which is planned to repeat itself next week. As I mentioned, my exams are over so I actually had nowhere to be, but I wanted to be a culture vulture and go to the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize, held at the National Portrait Gallery. It’s one of my favourite exhibitions every year; I find it really inspiring and some of the stories behind the photos are truly incredible. Highly worth a visit, but be quick as it’s in its last weeks.

I planned my journey so I could just get a straight bus and then a small walk, and quite frankly I’m not really going to complain about it. Yeah all my journey’s yesterday took a little longer and were busier than usual, but I had a seat and I also quite like buses as you can actually see the sights of London, rather than staring at a black tunnel. Apparently I’m not the only one, check out ‘From The Upper Deck’ by photographer Przemek Wajerowicz, (http://now-here-this.timeout.com/2014/02/06/in-pictures-see-london-from-the-upper-deck/). However, having said this, I am truly grateful I wasn’t commuting as obviously it just caused chaos during this time. Below are some of my favourite, most crazy pictures of the chaos the strike caused.

Stratford Underground Station was like this.

Queue Tube Strike

Stratford International and Bus Stop Queues; taken from http://www.buzzfeed.com/scottybryan/the-best-of-the-internets-reaction-to-the-tube-strike

I guess the strike should make people realise how reliant we are on the tube system; yeah we all complain about it (don’t even get me started on my hatred of the District Line), but really it’s an amazing transport system which needs continued investment to manage its upkeep and improvement. Usually I’m totally against Tube Strikes, as I feel the staff strike solely for improved pay, when it’s been well documented that they get well paid and get plenty of benefits. However, on this occasion the strike was in protest of the upgrade of the system leading to the closure of ticket offices. I’m unsure where I stand on my opinion on the strike, obviously I am behind them all the way if job losses are on the line; the staff are so important in the running of the tube. However, reading both sides of the argument, TFL argues that there will still be jobs for all that want to stay with London Underground; staff will be more visible instead of stuck in the offices, they just have to be willing to be ‘flexible’. So who knows how flexible, flexible is. In all honesty, it feels like the unions were quick to take action (there was a very low response rate to the strike ballot), but as with all contentious issues, communication is not great on either side. I guess it’s just going to be interesting to let the fun and games work themselves out.

Let’s just be grateful that London isn’t cut off from the world, unlike Devon. I’ve always said that the rail network into Devon is the slowest, most ridiculous thing. We still have those trains where you actually have to pull the handle to open the door; apparently electronic doors haven’t hit Devon and Cornwall yet!? Literally, the pressure to open that door in the quickest time possible is sometimes quite hard to handle (LOL, bad pun alert). However, due to bad weather Devon has literally been cut off from the world, with train tracks literally being left suspended in mid air, after the foundations have been washed away, see pictures below.

Pictures taken from: http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Minister-promises-look-alternative-rail-route-SW/story-20566246-detail/story.html?005

I swear this happens every time it rains quite heavily, you think they would actually do something to help prevent it. Like maybe not building the track directly next to the sea-front, or building a wall capable of defending a wave. Finally there has been news that there is some funding being given towards building better weather defences and the Government has said they will ‘consider’ alternative railway routes into the region. Really though, there is a desperate need to invest in the Devon / Cornwall rail network as a whole. As counties very reliant on the tourist trade, you think they might want to make it feel less like you’re travelling to the other side of the world when you decide to take a train to Devon. Easily accessible surely equals a boost to the economy, right? I literally have no clue how the people with power fail to see this.

What gets me every time on this matter is the fact that the Government has previously baulked at the £100 million price tag of improving the rail network into Devon, yet this is a fraction of the £30 billion being ploughed into the HS2 high speed link from London to the North. When they already have high speed connections to the North, this seems ridiculous. I swear it just feels more and more like the South West is falling off the edge of the Earth; in my hometown they are also closing the local airport. Don’t complain about a bad economy when people can’t even easily access the region.

If only the local paper could channel their dramatics into issues that matter, rather than posting (albeit hilarious) stories about the local shop chasing some poor lad who stole some condoms (my favourite comment on that story has to be ‘Must of been a posh date’, #stayclassyPlymouth) or a post about Wayne Rooney tuning in to Plymouth based TV channel God TV to take his mind off Manchester United’s loss.

All in all, let’s be grateful the London transport system isn’t down for the six weeks the railway into Devon is likely to be; I think Londoners would quite literally be going wild and killing eachother in rage by then.



Mates, Flakes and Long Distance Lols.

Recently a friend told me a little anecdote which I really agreed with, and helped inspire this post on something I’ve been meaning to write about for a while. The story went (if I remember it correctly) that there are three types of friends in life:
1. Those that you are friends with due to a situation. You’ll be friends with them within the situation but the friendship doesn’t span outside of this.
2. Friends that you make within a situation and the friendship lasts around three years.
3. Friends you have for life.

I guess when I moved away to university I was naïve about the fact I genuinely wouldn’t see some people again, I was probably too caught up in the excitement of change to realise it at the time. However, moving to university has made me really appreciate those friends who you are genuinely close to and know will always be around, whether or not you talk every day. It seems sad to lose friends in the number 2 category, but as you grow up I guess you realise everybody changes and people lead very different lives; add your own cliché here about ‘living for the moment’ ha!

I’ve always been a firm believer that distance shouldn’t ruin a true friendship and university has certainly tested this theory! In a way it sorts the friends in the second category to the ones in the third. I’ve touched upon friends from home already, but it’s great when you don’t have to necessarily talk every day, but you know when you need them they’ll be there and when you do see each other it’s the same as it always was. There’s something amazing you can’t lose when you can look back at your ‘ugly phase’ and laugh together!

There’s also something amazing you can’t lose with your friends at uni, in a totally different way, you somehow end up becoming each other’s second family; particularly those who you live with. Or you may just become their carer, as with me and AJP:

Alastair Leaving

I was blissfully unaware that at the end of second year these rocks in my life would be ripped away. The demon of the dreaded placement year or study abroad or whatever other name you would like to call it. Many of my friends were now set to be flying off to various parts of the world, leaving the rest of us back here to continue to cry at how frigging depressing uni (and third year) is. The end of summer felt like one long emotional goodbye. In particular, my non-boyfriend whom I’ve mentioned before, AJP, was leaving for America. I’m not even ashamed to admit that on his official leaving night we both cried, no sorry bawled, in a club when I had to leave. Hilariously, we were actually going to see each other again the next day. Obviously I was just so sad that I was losing the best cockblock I’ve ever had? Upon the actual departing of AJP, we decided the best way to go was a chest bump in the middle of Liverpool Street Station.

Considering how big a part of my life AJP is, I was slightly scared of what London would hold for me without him. There have obviously been times when I’ve missed him a lot, but at the same time it’s made me appreciate the lols when we do speak. It’s that great time where you don’t have to put up with his smelly socks everyday but you still get to share many a lol. The internet is a wonderful thing, and Skype, Whatsapp, Facebook and obviously Snapchat have all been amazing to stay in touch with everyone. I am also a fan of good old snail mail and send out postcards when I actually remember to pass a postbox. My flatmate said that this sounded like a ‘Dear John…’ idea, but it is definitely less romantic than she was imagining, considering some of the funny postcards I’ve sent, the meaning of the lovely sentiments on them have had to be explained to the Americans! When I turned up to a pastoral type tutorial the other day, my tutor hilariously bluntly asked me ‘How are you coping without your other half?’. I’ve said this to lots of people who ask if I miss AJP, I feel like he’s still here but without actually seeing him.

Obviously life is different in London without AJP around, but it definitely isn’t all bad. I’m not crying in a cave all day, every day. I need to put a shout out in here to everyone at uni who make the times I do actually turn up to the depressing hell hole (yeah, I’m loving uni right now) actually bearable, my lovely flatmate and, of course, I don’t know where I’d be without my main galdem, who get me through life with some hilarious snapchats!


To round off this rambling post, if you have long distance friends of any kind, then I guess my thoughts are that it makes you appreciate the time you have with them more, look how happy I am on Skype ha! On an even brighter note, think of all the amazing holidays where you don’t have to pay for a hotel!


Thoughtful SJW, over and out x


University Woes.

So I’ve just had a freak out at how fast my deadline is approaching, and decided the best way to calm down would be to write a blog post… that works, right?

I’m in my final year, and this is the first time my work actually counts to my degree so I guess there is added pressure … and I’m trying not to plan on doing an all-nighter the night before deadline for once! I’ve gone straight into my final year of uni, there was an option to take a year out for placement / study abroad, and this time last year I was going through a lot of stress deciding what option to take. I think looking back on it all, I’ve done what’s best for me. I’ve struggled with uni if I’m honest, don’t get me wrong, I love the life and I have definitely had my fair share of fun, but I’ve had my ups and downs with the course (which I’m probably not meant to share quite so publicly), but I think finishing it in three years was the best choice and I’m probably more motivated to finish now than I’ve ever been.

I guess what frustrates me more is meeting people who think that placement is the be all and end all of university life. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great experience, and I’m not badmouthing it in any way. Quick shout out to my friends who are on the other side of the world right now, via snapchat:


But placement, just like university, is right for some people and not for others. I can feel this turning into a bit of a rant about how there should be more support and options for those people who don’t want to go to university, but it’s also true for those who don’t want to do placement. I want to start a business and my university barely has any resources to help me out; I wasn’t even allowed to incorporate starting Slapdash as part of my placement year. Surely university should be a platform for everyone to explore the path they want to take after university, regardless what path that may be?

On the bright side, I guess I’m just grateful that the prejudice of people who think they know the ‘right’ (and only) path to take just gives me the drive to make it my own way.

Opinionated and ranty SJW, over and out x